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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:44 am    Post subject: Little-Known Facts About You! Reply with quote

Hello there SH! So I don't usually make new topics, but I decided to give it a shot. This is my 3000th post, and like most people, I wanted to make it special. It didn't really want to do some huge GH/RB accomplishment or talk about my past on the site, but something that everyone could enjoy and take part in.

I started thinking about why I'm still coming back here after many years. It wasn't GH, and it wasn't because the site itself was particularly awesome, but the people. That's right, you guys! If most of the people on this site sucked, then I certainly wouldn't be coming back here almost daily for about five years.

So this is what I decided to do. It's you guys that make this place so special, so I want to know more about you! What are some things that not too many people know. Better yet, tell us some things that no one else knows. I'm not talking about secrets that your promised your friend that you'd never tell, but just random facts about yourself that usually don't get brought up in conversations or stuff that you just felt were too stupid for anyone else to really care.

I'll give you some personal examples to start things off.

• When I brush my teeth or talk on the phone, I have to be walking around. No idea why I do it, I just gets antsy if I don't for some reason.
• I'd consider myself a fairly masculine guy, but for the past seven years I have never missed a new episode of Desperate Housewives. Not kidding. No, I'm not gay, and no, I don't just watch it because there are some fine looking women on that show. It's honestly a great show.
• When I want to walk faster, I don't actually move my legs any faster. I just take longer strides.
• It doesn't matter if I've been working outside in 100+ degree weather for hours. When I take a shower, I have to use extremely hot water. Not a germaphobe or anything, just don't enjoy showers when the water isn't hot.
• Similar to the last one, when I sleep, I have to be completely covered by a blanket except for my head or else I'm not comfortable.
• The biggest reason I grew a beard is because I have a scar on my chin and a) I don't like how it looks, and b) it's a bitch to shave there because of it.
• Even after several weddings, funerals, and having to wear suits for certain days at work, I've still never learned how to tie a tie. If I'm going on a trip and will need to wear one, I'll have one of my parents (preferably my mom) tie it beforehand and I'll just bring it pre-tied.
• When I go on long trips driving in my car (mostly for MLG and other gaming events), I can't listen to music or stand-up in my car without getting extremely bored very quickly. I have to listen to something interesting, like a competitive gaming podcast or a debate of some kind. When I do that, the trip there seems to take no time at all.
• My earliest memory was right before my fourth birthday party and I asked my mom if I was getting a cake at the party. She told me no, but I saw a cake Tupperware container we have on top of the fridge and tried to get a stool to stand on to get up there and see if she was lying. My mom saw me as I was getting on the stool and stopped me before I could see. turns out it WAS a cake
• I'm the only kid I know that had to get braces put back on after having them off for only a few months. Turns out that "permanent retainer" wasn't so permanent.

That should be enough to give you the general idea. There were plenty more I thought of that I can't remember now, but I'm sure I'll post them when I think of them. I'm interested in seeing what other people post!

Thought of a few more.

- I absolutely suck at all competitive games that don't involve a plastic guitar, so I usually stick to single-player games.
- I absolutely despise dark chocolate and any kind of chocolate bar with nuts in it, even though I like eating peanuts, cashews, etc. by themselves.
- I'm terrible at thinking on my feet, which is why I prefer to do all my arguing/debating online so I have time to research stuff and make sure I don't forget anything.
- I seem to be the opposite of many people here who say they can't gain/lose weight easily. I've never met anyone who has the ability to gain or lose weight more easily/quickly than I do. I gain a bunch of weight over the summer and am back at school now and lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks just with simple diet/exercise. But if I take a week off and pig out, I'll gain almost it all back with no problem.
- I seriously enjoy almost every movie I've ever seen. Even chick flicks, kids movies, and movies that most people seem to hate. Guess I usually see the good in every movie or something. Because of this, I've yet to see any of the Twilight movies so I don't have to admit that I (probably) like them.
- Similar to Confury always brushing his teeth in the shower, I always shave in the shower. It's so much easier and I don't need to clean up after since everything just goes down the drain. The only time I shave at the sink is if I'm at a hotel and there's no mirror in the shower.
- Also opposite to many SHers, I've never met anyone who's affected by caffeine more than I am. I never drink coffee or energy drinks, and rarely drink soda, so it makes sense why. It's both a curse and a blessing because if I need to pull an all-nighter to do work for school, one 20-oz soda is more than enough to keep me going the whole night, but if I have any caffeine past noon, I usually have a tough time falling asleep at night.
- I don't understand what people love about dancing so much. I love and appreciate music more than most people, but I don't see what's so great about getting up and spazzing out to the rhythm of music. I love music, so I want to sit and listen to it. What's worse is that if you go to a wedding or party, you're expected to dance. I never went to a dance in high school and don't regret it. Occasionally, I'll nod my head to the music or maybe even tap my foot. That's as close as I get to dancing.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Much better than my 3000th post >.>

Anyway, I definitely feel you with the shower and blanket things. I can't sleep without some kind of blanket covering me, and I don't like cold showers at all. I feel like it's hard to breathe from the shock or something XD

Anyway, as for myself... hm, hard to think of what to say. I still have a Teddy Bear from when I was 3 that I used to use as a pillow until I was like, 16 or something. His name is Thomas, and I honestly used to not be able to go anywhere overnight without him.

My favorite soda is Mountain Dew, and I avoid drinking coke/pepsi/sprite/7up whenever possible. I always go for the "outside the norm" kind of drinks, I'm not sure why. I just prefer the taste of MD, Dr Pepper, etc.

I'm the only member of my (nuclear) family who didn't need glasses.

I don't think I've fully completed a game since I started playing Guitar Hero o.O

Speaking of which, apparently I rival smoky in terms of face movement while playing XD

Oh yeah, my earliest memory was from watching the Lion King in theaters, and there was a crying baby somewhere in the theater with us. I remember thinking to myself, "why's that baby gotta be crying? So immature!" (or something along those lines)
2:59 alexhaz64: I'm like 6th place on that song
2:59 alexhaz64: pretty neat
2:59 alexhaz64: :p
2:59 JohnnyGrey: No Alex, I don't care how good your score is
2:59 JohnnyGrey: DAMMIT
2:59 alexhaz64: XD
alexhaz64 flexes
2:59 psxfreak101: too slow on the trigger there, boyo
2:59 alexhaz64: that seems to be the case all night
2:59 JohnnyGrey: I've been too slow a few times tonight
2:59 JohnnyGrey: GDSAKj hfask
2:59 psxfreak101: XD
2:59 alexhaz64: LMAO
2:59 alexhaz64: OMG
psxfreak101 actua-loling
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree on the "Moving while talking on the phone" thing. Even if it's just customer support, I HAVE to be walking, even if it's just right in front of my computer.

Hot showers are the only way to go. I don't see how people take freezing cold showers.

The beard thing is something I can relate to. I usually have random bumps/Acne on my face (Although it's really not that bad) and a beard covers it up rather nice. I end up shaving it after it goes away.

Same thing with a tie. If I ever needed to wear one, my dad would pretie one and loosen, so I could just slip it on and tighten it.

Also, how can you stand up in your car? O.o

I'm deftly scared of bugs. For instance, literally just 10 seconds ago, I saw this huge ass cockroach walking across the floor. My heart instantly skipped a beat. I don't know why. I know it's not gonna just fly up and roundhouse kick me in the face, and I know it's not gonna harm me in any way. It's just something about it that freaks me the fuck out. Even when I try to kill it with a show, I push down on it and squish it, if I move the shoe and it starts moving super fast, I jump back and press the shoe down longer, my heart skipping another beat. Shit is freaky... (Spiders too. Fuck spiders).

I'm pretty sure I have some kind of Social Anxiety. Although I haven't been diagnosed with it or any kind of "Professional" opinion, it's one of those "Look up the symptoms and other's stories and totally agree with everything they said" type of things, which I know is prone to being wrong.

I think that's it. I'll post again if I remember anything.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Might as well make my freebird post here since I'm too lazy to come up with anything special for it. >_>

When I talk on the phone, I usually walk around too. In addition to that, I also make hand gestures and such like I do in normal conversation and probably look like a moron while doing so (I HATE that I do this but I can't help it).

Fuck ties. Seriously, why do these damn things even exist? Anyway, my dad still ties my ties for me ahead of time. He's attempted to teach me a few times, but I just can't grasp the technique.

I've got the biggest dimples of anyone I know, which is incredibly annoying because they're always the first damn thing someone sees when they meet me. Hearing that I have the "cutest dimples I've ever seen!" gets old after a while.

I've got abnormally large feet for my height. I'm about 6' and wear size 14 shoes.

I can only sleep in one position, which turns out to be one of the most unhealthy sleeping positions (on my stomach, leaning slightly on my side, with my arms under my pillow, and facing to the left). I also need my blanket to cover me entirely, including my head, to have a fan running in the background, and to have as minimal light as possible in the room. Needless to say, I have sleeping issues lol.

I can't stand silence. I always have music playing if I sitting on my computer, have the TV on if I'm sitting in the living room or making lunch in the kitchen, and have the radio on when I'm driving (although it's been broken for the past few months which is driving me insane).

I can't think of which of my memories is the earliest. I have very few memories of anything before middle school and I blame this entirely on the fact that I've suffered from so many head injuries in my life. To name a few: ran into a beam under the bleachers at a high school basketball game at about age 4; had a solid wood, brass tipped, maybe 2-foot tall candlestick fall and hit me in the back of the head while I was hammering out the tile around the fireplace (knocked me out for a few seconds and left a lovely gash in my head); had a massive sneeze in the shower and smashed my head against the temperature dial (another lovely gash on my forehead); and lastly, ran my head into the windowsill when running to the window to see the mailman (can't remember what age, I'd imagine it was before I was 5 or so because I can't imagine I had any interest in the mailman after about that age lol).

Whenever I'm focusing on something (like writing something down or playing a musical instrument), I stick my tongue out. No idea why I do it and I can't control it.

I write right handed, but I swing a baseball bat, hockey stick, golf club, etc., all left handed.

I chew gum at all times (except for obvious times like during meals, while sleeping, or at formal events).

I'm a cheese and ketchup fanatic. I have to have some form of cheese at both lunch and dinner and if I go to a burger joint, like Steak and Shake, I can go through a whole bottle of ketchup myself.

...and that's all for now. I'll probably add more later.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fug wrote:

I write right handed, but I swing a baseball bat, hockey stick, golf club, etc., all left handed.

I'M NOT ALONE!!! I do that too. My baseball coach always thought it was weird, and even tried to get me to bat right handed, but I just can't swing a bat right handed to save my life.

Also, I HAVE to have some kind of noise (Usually a fan) on when I'm sleeping. Even if I'm staying in a hotel or something, I always carry a fan with me just for that. I also have to have some kind of blanket touching me as well (Even during the summer when it's 100 at night. I don't have to have it all the way on me, but at least have to have it touching my legs.) I always have a blanket in my car and my mom's/dad's car, just in case I want to sleep on the way to somewhere, I just lean the seat back and just throw on the blanket.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm the same way with talking on the phone as well. I also have an unnatural fear of talking on the phone. I'm fine talking in person, but for some reason I just hate talking on phones

I also can't tie ties, and am also deathly afraid of bugs. I yelled out in the middle of my band class because there was an ant on my arm >_>

Same with the blanket thing. I always need my blankets on top of me. I also have to sleep in a certain position, which makes sleeping with my girlfriend annoying >_>

As for unique things about me:
-I'm not emo >_> I'm one of the happiest people I know
-I am extremely intelligent (MENSA qualifying, smarter than fudrick, etc) and was trained to be normal in society, as a result I am not quick-witted and all-knowing like most geniuses, and tend to act dumb a lot of times in order to fit in
-I use >_> WAY too much
-I'm ambidextrous, a lot of people don't know that actually
-I am legally disabled due to foot injury
-No matter how hard I try, I cannot sleep in vehicles of any kind

I'll probably edit more as I think of things
Preview Edit: Fug one of my best friends is 6'1 and wears a 14 >_>

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

EmoArbiter wrote:
Fug one of my best friends is 6'1 and wears a 14 >_>

Huh, maybe it's not too weird then. I was always under the impression that my size foot is typical for someone that's 6'6" or so.

And I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one with the reverse dominant hand thing, Sarg. :p I'm pretty sure it's a family thing for me (my sister and one of my grandparents are both the same way).

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have a list on FB with 100 facts about myself, so I'll just post a few of them here:

I, too, have to walk around when on the phone.

I can tie a tie two different ways.

I can ride a unicycle.

I always use two rags to wash myself in the shower. A white one to wash my face, and then a darker colored rag to wash the rest of my body.

I don't eat fried or breaded foods.

I don't eat anything out of a can.

I have red-green colorblindness and RLS.

Prefer Pepsi products over Coke. Right now I'm on this Wild Cherry Pepsi kick.

Never broken a bone in my body.

My earliest memory is taking a bath in the sink when I was two-ish (it was in a house my parents moved out of when I was two, I can recall the entire layout of the house).

I was a little Hulkamaniac.

Hate shaving.

Not a very photogenic guy.

Could add more to the list, but I'll wait until maybe later to see what others post
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fug wrote:
Huh, maybe it's not too weird then. I was always under the impression that my size foot is typical for someone that's 6'6" or so.

Yeah, I'm 6' and wear a 10 and I always thought I just have really tiny feet

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

EmoArbiter wrote:
Fug wrote:
Huh, maybe it's not too weird then. I was always under the impression that my size foot is typical for someone that's 6'6" or so.

Yeah, I'm 6' and wear a 10 and I always thought I just have really tiny feet

I'm 6'1 and wear an 11 1/2. Depending on the make of the shoe MAYBE an 11 or even up to a 12. My brother is only about an inch taller than me and wears a 14. My other brother is about 3 inches shorter and wears a 13.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am completely left handed.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm considered one of the most underrated students at my high school (I never really gave a fuck about school, to be honest).

I really enjoyed Yugioh; I still have my cards that I got since I was 8.

I enjoy silence, but I play great music loudly.

I'm very picky when making purchases, mainly clothing.

None of my friends remembered my birthday this year (September 16th, I turned 18).

My hand-writing used to be normal before 4th grade, but then it turned italicized after I spent two years writing in cursive.

I'm a very observative and sharp-eared guy, so you can say that I pay attention to everything around me.

I'm also right handed, but I rely on my left hand to do other such things, like in terms of sports and work.

My best way of grasping a subject or something to learn is with a visual aid.

Over 90% of the work I've done in my life was at the fields.

I can tie a tie. I use a windsor knot; once I learned it, all the other methods were disregarded.

I've got a social anxiety and gelotophobia.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm... I'll bite. Let's see what random things I can think of:

- I like strumming

...wait that's not a little known fact. Let's try that again!

- I'm a descendant of Tahitian royalty thanks to my Mum. I'm not sure how much relevance that actually has in this day and age over there, but its pretty cool to be able to say to random people "Hey, did you know I actually have royal blood in me? ;)"

- Back in the mid-90s I used to keep track of entire cricket matches on ye olde pen and paper. Initially it was on a over-by-over basis (which took up a helluva lot of space for a test match, and yes I would sit in front of the TV 6 hours a day for all 5 days of test matches without fail, good times good times), but it eventually evolved into the traditional scorecards that we see during coverage of the game and also on the other greatest website in the world Had a fairly big chunk of the 93-94 tri series between Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, had all of the 97-98 series between the same teams, and all of 01-02 too. Those really were the greatest of series. Thanks to the aforementioned website though, keeping records of said scorecards are now completely and utterly pointless. Still have all my records sitting on my bookshelf though, and have no real intention of throwing them out ever.

- Adding on to the cricket obsession (t'is my favourite sport in the world, you never would've guessed as such based on this post!), I actually used to create all sorts of matches and jot 'em down. I could probably look through my bookshelf and find about 20 different books that are just filled with completely imaginary cricket matches that I'd written up for no reason other than because I felt like it. Used real teams with players that I felt probably deserved to play for their country more/at all. Also got to a point where I'd even create various different teams: Mario Bros team, Koopa team, a "Rest of Nintendo" team, and even a team that consisted of Blitzball players from Final Fantasy X. Fun trying to generate entire teams in my head and figure out exactly what role each character would play in their respective teams based purely on what they do in video games. Wrote up numerous test and one day series between the four teams, and I even have an excel spreadsheet that documents every character's 'career stats'. Kinda really went all out on it. T'was fun stuff.

- Actually, now that I think about it I used to do this kinda thing for a bunch of sports, although not to the point of creating teams like I did with cricket. I've done 2 or 3 entire seasons of NRL (National Rugby League here), and even a couple of the AFL, again just because I could and felt like it. (and it seemed like a perfect excuse to have on paper my favourite team taking out premierships and such, 100% statistical proof and everything!) T'was quite the time consuming exercise, many a night was spent doing most/all of this.

- Back in 2000, I was so obsessed with music (or probably moreso the best selling singles charts here in Australia) that I had actually kept a record of the top 20 selling singles every week (in fact, I could probably find the little book that has all of said charts, I refuse to throw things away). It was to a point where I'd stare at these charts for hours on end on occasions, and could honestly recite in order what single was #1 for how many weeks etc, and I could even recite the 20 best selling singles of the entire year without fail. I couldn't honestly recite ANY of this anymore if you asked me right now, but back then it was fun keeping track of these charts, but I lost interest in it partway through Shaggy's 12 week reign at the top of the charts in 2001 with Angel. Great album that was.

- I can pick my nose with my tongue. Don't ask me how I found that one out, because I honestly don't know, but its a fun party trick. Or room clearer. I forget which one it is now.

- I shave maybe 4 times a year at most, and 2 of those occasions are for my Mum's birthday (because she insists I look clean shaven), and my birthday (exact same reason >_>). I might be turning 26 next month, but I'll still honour my Mum's wishes on such things. Otherwise, laziness ftw!

- I am currently consuming a beer. Well, it is a little known fact if purely because only my Mum and Dad are aware that I'm currently doing this. In fact, my Mum was the one that offered said beer. In any case, hooray for technicalities!

Some of these seemed a wee bit more extravagent than what other people have listed thus far. Oh well, enjoy the read!

Actually, one I just thought of whilst playing some Bejeweled Blitz LIVE just now:

- I chew my tongue whenever I get excited, or possibly whenever I get really... I dunno... into something. Usually it'll happen when I'm rather enthralled in my gaming, but there are other times where I find myself chewing my tongue for whatever reason. Good thing there's plenty of it to go around for me!
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

God knows what my 3000th post was, I don't know if anyone of my "milestones" have been anything interesting.

Facts about me:

- I went to magnet schools for middle school (language) and high school (international baccalaureate). It was a little odd to realize that most of the people I had classes with in college were less intelligent than people I had classes with in high school, but all the same I hate people who are "intellectual" in the stereotypical sense, who think they should go to museums or listen to opera because the have a high IQ score. I honestly don't ever want to know anyone else's IQ score or GPA or whatever. If you're smart, I'll figure it out by talking to you.

- My favorite writer is David Foster Wallace. The first book of his that I read was "Everything and More" which is a non-fiction history of the mathematical concept of infinity.

- I have 3 full bookshelves. One is for fiction and non-fiction (half of it is sci-fi) one is for math, and the third is for statistics and textbooks.

- I am NOT a morning person. I usually stay up pretty late (posting this at 2:51 am) and drink a lot of Mountain Dew. I'll refuse work tutoring if the person wants to meet before 10 or 11am, unless their exam is that day.

- I'm right-handed, but my mom is left-handed and so I learned to tie my shoes left-handed; I can also swing a baseball bat just about as well from either side, but two things isn't enough for me to say I'm ambidextrous.
I'm back I suppose
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I always walk around while brushing my teeth or talking on the phone. I just have a hard time sitting or standing still in general. If I'm deep in thought over anything, I'll often find myself pacing around while paying very little attention to my surroundings.

I can't sleep while lying on my back. I've tried, but it just never feels comfortable. My sleeping position is just about identical to Fug's, except that I sleep facing slightly to the right instead of the left. I once experimented by facing slightly left when I was very little, but I had a terrible nightmare and decided I would always sleep facing my right (and it has simply become habit over time).

I don't know how to tie ties properly either. I had my dad tie mine for me, and I just make sure that I'm very careful that it never comes undone.

I've never had to wear braces. I don't know how I pulled that off, but I guess I'm just one of the small handful of people fortunate enough to avoid having to wear them ever.

I can't grow facial hair properly. It just never fills out on my face and it never really grows more than about a centimeter. Which means it looks pretty bad when I don't shave, which is unfortunate because I hate shaving.

Not really afraid of bugs, but I am terrified of bees. Fuck bees. I don't want to go anywhere near any area where bees are flying around.

Sarg338 wrote:

I'm pretty sure I have some kind of Social Anxiety. Although I haven't been diagnosed with it or any kind of "Professional" opinion, it's one of those "Look up the symptoms and other's stories and totally agree with everything they said" type of things, which I know is prone to being wrong.

Yes, pretty much exactly this. If I look up a list of symptoms of Social Phobia, I would find myself mentally checking off so many things that I would run out of black ink. I just can't help thinking that everyone is overly critical of me. I'm also constantly worried that others have an overall negative opinion of me, even close friends and relatives some of the time.

I also strongly dislike writing, simply because it takes so much of my time. I can sit and agonize over a sentence or paragraph for up to an hour. I'll constantly delete and reword things, and still be unhappy with the end result much of the time anyway.
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