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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Having nothing to add to this thread makes me realize just how uninteresting of a person I am.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm definitely with everyone on the whole pacing and excessively gesticulating while on the phone. I just find my mind much clearer when I'm doing so. I'll always go outside for a walk if I get a call from someone I know I'm going to be talking to for more than five minutes.

Other fun stuff:

--In all everyday activities and sports I am right-handed...except ping pong. Ping pong is the only thing I play left-handed. No idea how that started or why I continue to find it the most natural.

--I've considered myself an all-around nerd, but to this day have never touched a comic book. All of my love for comic book characters as a kid was from their animated TV series.

--In a similar vein, I didn't have any Legos as a kid. I didn't have many toys at all. I just wanted to play my NES and watch TV and movies. I've been in front of a screen my entire life.

--The first and only game I've ever pre-ordered was Wind Waker, just for the Master Quest bonus disc.

--I vividly recall the first time I ate an entire Domino's medium pizza in one sitting. It was at my friend Robby's 13th birthday party. I was so proud of myself.

--I've been chewing Extra's polar ice gum since its inception back around 2000.

--I'm addicted to water; I drink at least 3L per day. I'll start to get headaches if I go without it for a certain period of time. I haven't had any other beverage but water in about two years (and I used to be a prolific OJ drinker).

--I have only have one irrational fear: large/man-made objects in lakes. Buoys, docks, shipwrecks terrify me, as do large boulders and downed trees. Why? Who the hell knows, it's irrational.

--On trains/subways with seating facing both ways, I can't be seated looking the opposite direction that we're heading, otherwise I get a weird vertigo-like sense.

--The amount of Pokemon knowledge I have retained from the height of its popularity in my late elementary school years is kind of disgusting. I could give you just about all the information of the original 151 as it was shown on their card. I was morbidly obsessive back then.

--I can sleep anywhere on anything, as long as I'm lying down. I actually haven't slept on a bed in over three years now; I sleep in a sleeping bag on my camping mat. I guess I'm just too lazy to buy a mattress/bed, find a way to get it back to my apartment, and then have to continuously move it/get rid of it when I move between apartments. I fear that my back and neck will pay once I hit my 30s and beyond, but whatever.
footballtom3685, locking a thread about VH1's 100 Most Metal Moments wrote:
These threads don't have much potential to begin with, and unfortunately even the ones that do have potential burst into flames. I guess that's pretty metal though, so thanks for staying on topic!

Currently playing: Gears, Batman
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

5 Starred Every Song on RB2's Endless Setlist Expert Guitar...

With a broken arm (fretting hand)
Alabama Crimson Tide
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

CorpusCollosum wrote:
--I'm addicted to water; I drink at least 3L per day. I'll start to get headaches if I go without it for a certain period of time. I haven't had any other beverage but water in about two years (and I used to be a prolific OJ drinker).

I'm probably more addicted to it. If I don't have it after a certain time I'll die. I'm that attached to it.
My GH Accomplishments Thread (I'm Actually Playing GH: Live!)
My RB Accomplishments Thread (First Place in the Brutal Mode Battle competition!)

Guitar Hero: Live Goals:
Actually get good at Guitar Hero: Live
10 Guitar Hero: Live Setlist FCs

ShadoWolf wrote:
Fuck you HellAsses you fucking fucker

mazegeek999PSN from my accomplishments thread wrote:
koloxid wrote:
holy fuk
do you ever stop

Well, he hasn't posted in a month.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Let's see...

I have tied my shoes once in my life, when I was so young I can't even remember what age I was. I have not done so since, and am actually incapable of it.

I talk a lot when I'm comfortable (hence my decent postcount), but if I'm even remotely unsure of the situation I'll tend to keep quiet. (That is until I get comfortable after observation of what's going on.)

I can lick my elbow. (Can't kiss it though, that's not actually possible. >__>)

Once oriented (getting to know where I am and the surroundings), I have a nearly unerring sense of direction. This comes in handy at malls, as well as at PAX. (I wish I knew how to get a job using this talent. Maybe I should look into the natural parks around here.)

I have a love for geography and exploration (I really enjoy exploring game levels for the first time, and Halo's Forge system is amazing to me). I actually got second place two years straight at my schools' geography bees without any sort of practice. (That may be why it was only second place.)

In my about 19.5 years of life I've lived in over 10 towns in 6 states. About half of the time (the first half) was in Colorado, and I've got some good memories of a small town there. (I sincerely doubt many of you care about the town or my memories thereof. I am of course referring to apathy here, it's just the things I found interesting as a kid.)

I am overly skinny and apparently am incapable of doing anything to my weight. (I'm about 5'10" and ~125 pounds. Sorry to metric users, the US school system's best success was ingraining the stupid system used in the US.)

I have a terrible imagination and regularly fail at creative endeavors. The standard banner is practically my only success. (And it's really, really simple. >__>) Speaking of banners, I've been making them on and off for over two and a half years, and I still don't think I make many good ones.

That's all the interesting things I can think of off the top of my head. I'd say I'm not very interesting, but I've got quite a lot of text here, so I guess I'm interesting to some degree.

EDIT: I remembered my phobia of all forms of pain, loss of body parts, disfigurement, that sort of thing. It even extends to an irrational fear of these things being contagious. I get a little uneasy around people with deformities or missing limbs. (I dislike that it goes that far, but it's not exactly something I can control. It especially annoys me because I hate intolerant people (their own medicine etc) but then I have this stupid fear or whatever.)

EDIT2: I always read "it's" and "its" the proper ways. (Contraction and possessive, respectively.) While I'm not a grammar Nazi about it, t can be amusing to read it as if that's what they meant. (And the results are frequently nonsensical.)

Last edited by inv4der on Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah, some place to showcase my boring self.

- For the last 7 years or so, I've had a bowl of corn flakes nearly every evening (This is not really a little known fact in the Team Epic Fail chatroom, but whatever). Now that I live on my own, I eat it a little more often, because I'm too lazy to make other food, but I used to eat it during evenings EXCLUSIVELY. It just didn't feel like food you should be eating in the morning, y'know? I also have a quite extended technique for preparing it: I fill a bowl with corn flakes (always the same bowl, so that I know how much milk to use), then put my hands on top of the bowl and press, crushing the corn flakes. Then I fill the bowl some more. After that I fill a measuring cup with 5,5 dl of milk, and put in two teaspoons of sugar. I stir about 200 times (yes, I usually count it. Sugar doesn't dissolve well in milk, and that number of stirs seems to work and is quite managable (as in, not too much), so I've been using that number), then wait for most of the bubbles that have been created on the milk to pop. The reason I prepare the milk separately from the corn flakes is because if I don't, then the sugar won't have dissolved in the milk, which means that once I'm finished with my corn flakes (which wouldn't have been sweet enough!), there will be a little pool of milk + sugar at the bottom of the bowl. It's just gross. Anyway, then I pour the milk into the bowl. Because there's a lot of corn flakes in it, I quickly spoon up some mouthfuls from the same spot, creating a puddle. The top layer of corn flakes will still be crispy, and the lower layer will get soggy. To keep it fresh enough, I from that point onwards eat spoonfuls, half filled with corn flakes from the top layer, half filled with soggy corn flakes from the lower layer, to avoid having to eat completely soggy spoonfuls of corn flakes near the end.

- My life revolves around my corn flakes.

EDIT: Y'know, I'll make a serious one later. Even though everything in my first point is true.

Last edited by Ontwikseltsaar on Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 11 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anthony8 wrote:
None of my friends remembered my birthday this year (September 16th, I turned 18).

Besides the regular Facebook greeting mine forgot as well, and my birthday is September the 16th as well, but I turned 28 exactly 10 years later then you. Bring it up cause my fiancee is 26, her cousin 16 and they are born on the same day, 10 years apart, funny

Anyways as for the thread, I am close to that 3000 post mark so figured id take part, nice idea Brock.

- First and foremost, I can not spell. I am intelligent have 2 university degree's with intentions at doing my Master's (and thesis) in the next 2-3 years, but I just can't spell. I have literally been in a grade 12 Language exam in HS and forgot how to spell said. Thankfully my mother is smart as well and can't spell anything either.

- I hate hot or semi hot showers. I like it barely warm enough to make sure im clean.

- I do know how to tie a tie. I only know this cause becoming a teacher means you have to pimp out every now and then.

- I sleep in the night time without a blanket on me for most of the night.

- I wake up at least 6 times every night unless I have been drinking.

- The only pop I drink/like is Fresca and Pineapple Crush.

- I have cried in the theatre during Toy Story 3 and Marley and Me.

- I love Cornation Street. I usually miss in on the weeknights, but they rebrodcast them all on Sunday morning which I always get up early to watch (and is what Im watching right now. I also hate that we are 10 months behind our English counterpart.

- I view myself more as a Newfoundlander then a Canadian. Not that being Canadian is bad, its just that most people from Newfoundland are different then our nationality. I honestly can pick out a Newfoundlander in a group of 100 and most everyone I know can do that same thing.

- One last one, I have an irrational fear of anyone getting to know me. Im the kinda guy that a lot of people know a little about but truely know me, not many. After my fiancee I dont think anyone des and that's basically taken her 10 years. This is the reason that I havent ever taken part in IRC or really attempted to get to know anyone on this site or aloweed anyone to get to know me (besides RJUCPU, she's the exception)
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


- I own every episode of the following TV shows on my computer: Spooks, Fringe (all in HD), new format Top Gear and 30 Rock. That's a total of 450GB of funtime entertainment. I also have every episode of the show Robot Wars on VHS. As a result of this, I can name pretty much any robot that was ever on that show and give a breakdown of it's weapons.

- When I am the passenger in a car, i put my seatbelt on as soon as I sit down, regardless of whether the driver is there or not.

- I'm the oldest child in my home (19 in October) yet a good few inches shorter than any of my brothers, who are 14 and 16 respectively. They also have bigger feet than me (I'm a size 9).

- I once finished a 24" by 18" pizza by myself. It's the only time I can remember of being physically full.

- I have 3 earliest memories from year 2 in primary school. They are arguing with a boy called Aidan about who knew about negative numbers first, panicking because a boy called John had done a shit in the lego brick box and refusing to put my shoes on before we went on a trip to a butterfly farm, because I thought that shoes were unhealthy for your feet.

- I have been watching the Cnet Buzz Out Loud stream for as long as I can remember. I actually cried a little when I found out it was moving to a weekly schedule.

Eastwinn wrote:

I honestly don't get it. What is the point of riding someone's ass. What benefit does it bring you?
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not really that interesting, but let's give it a shot!

-I have the VHS and DVD remasters of the original Star Wars movies.

-I have never owned a 360, PS3, or Wii. In fact the newest system I own is probably a DS if you count it as a system

-I hate spiders. Fuck them. I want all spiders dead.

-One time, I didn't eat for 30 hours.

-I pretty much always miss at least one note whenever I play GH/RB. So that prevents me from getting FCs often

EDIT: I also have never seen Titanic.
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Joined: 28 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sukergod wrote:

- I have cried in the theatre during Toy Story 3 and Marley and Me.

Ha, Toy Story 3 was also my only time I ever cried in a theatre. It's also only the second time Ive ever cried watching a movie, the other being Grave of the Fireflies (interesting how much more powerful and emotional animation can be).
footballtom3685, locking a thread about VH1's 100 Most Metal Moments wrote:
These threads don't have much potential to begin with, and unfortunately even the ones that do have potential burst into flames. I guess that's pretty metal though, so thanks for staying on topic!

Currently playing: Gears, Batman
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View user's profile Wiki User Page Send private message XBL Gamertag: PistonHonda22 PSN Name: SodaPopinskii

Joined: 19 Apr 2008
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Location: Almere, The Netherlands

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

CorpusCollosum wrote:
(interesting how much more powerful and emotional animation can be)

Kinda. It makes sense though. animation can be a lot more expressive, and visual emotions can be programmed to any extent.

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Joined: 20 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

- I'm left-handed but play games on the default right hand settings. Been doing it for years now, and I can't seem to play any other way. The left hand settings confuse me.
- I can never sleep in the dark, not because I'm scared of it, but like, it's impossible for me to do it. I need some sort of light to be on at all times for me to get even a bit of sleep. Whenever it's dark, my eyes just seem to never close and I wander off into distant thoughts about random things.
- I'll end up waking in the direct opposite position in which I slept almost all the time. Like I'll sleep on my back, but wake up on my stomach.

That's honestly all I can think about right now. Might post more.
9001 wrote:
If you read the scum QT, you'll probably end up thinking 3 things:

- Saru is a genius
- BT doesn't exist
- 9001 is fucking paranoid
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Joined: 24 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

-I have one older brother
-I have very weird eating habits. I'm 5'9" and 120 lbs, and I can't gain weight if I tried. My metabolism is that of a god's. When I eat, I don't eat a lot (I guess I have a small stomach, idk), but then shortly after I'll be hungry again. So I tend to eat snacks throughout the day. I have a terrible diet, and I drink pretty much only pop. Yet I don't gain weight. Sometimes I can eat a full meal from McDonald's, and other times I'll get full after eating 10 pringles. When I feel just as hungry as when I eat other things. I don't get it, but my stomach just wants to be the weirdest thing ever.
-I don't like chocolate unless it's coating something or with something else
-I love salt. I can literally just eat it from a packet and be in heaven, but I don't anymore since it's probably not healthy
-I had to go to the hospital when I cut the tip of my penis when I was like 8
-I'm almost always cold, especially in public. I don't know why. And if I'm not, I'm usually really hot. No good medium =/
-I've never cut myself shaving
-I hate speaking to people face-to-face or doing public speaking. Why? Not because I'm shy. (Well I kind of am, but isn't everybody a little?) It's because I hate my mouth. I didn't take good care of it when I was younger, so now my teeth aren't very white and they aren't good shapes. They're not TERRIBLE, but I'm still EXTREMELY self-conscious of my mouth. And I fear that my breath smells bad at all times, mainly because of all the pop I drink. I hate talking because then I have to open my mouth and I'm scared people will think my mouth is bad or smell my breath and make it awkward. So I tend to mumble/talk quietly since I don't open my mouth very wide. I also NEVER smile with my mouth open. I refuse to.
-I'm terrible with eye contact. If I have aviators on, I can do it all day. I have no idea why, but I just feel like if I make eye contact (EVEN WHEN THE OTHER PERSON DOES AND EXPECTS ME TO DFSFSDGHSF) they'll think it's weird that I'm staring at them. I don't even know. I hate it.
-I have awesome vision
-I have awesome hearing, EXCEPT when I'm trying to hear other people. I constantly ask "What?" because I either don't understand them or they talk too quietly. I don't know if it's actually my fault (since I have good hearing with EVERYTHING but people's voices) or if they just don't talk very well, or if it's something psychological with my ability to register words
-I'm great with saving and budgeting money, which is one reason I would kill for a job since i could save up a ton of money due to not spending it hardly
-I hate giving advice. Even if it's pointless stuff or stuff I'm 99% sure on, I still say like "blah blah giving advice, I THINK." I just always worry I heard something wrong and might be giving them wrong info, or whatever else. Unless I'm 100% absolutely sure about something, I'll always tack on "I believe" or "I think" or "Don't quote me on that" to the end of my advice
-I hate driving. I feel awkward and inexperienced, and I suck with trusting other people that they're going to follow the laws and drive safely and not like a complete moron
-I love English and Math
-I function on 4 hours of sleep just as well as I do on 11 hours, if not better. I'm always tired when I wake up, no matter what. That's why I hate when teachers at school say "Oh, you wouldn't be tired if you went to bed earlier." FALSE. I'm going to be tired after waking up at 6 in the morning no matter what I do
-I have a 3.95 GPA

EDIT: That reminds me. I can't be still. I always have to be moving my feet or my legs, or I have to tapping my fingers or twiddling my thumbs. I just can't sit still. When I'm standing I have to kind of move around, whether it be bouncing my heels or just swaying my whole body. I also soemtimes have a hard time concentrating on one thing if I'm not. Moving kind of helps me focus at times.

Last edited by FreeXBird on Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This post has been deleted.

Last edited by anonymous_25 on Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 11 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is kind of a cool thread idea... I'll add something here, because I'm bored right now

- I have horrendously bad vision (it's 20/50 with my glasses on, something outrageous with them off) but I am an Art Director (figure that one out)

- I lived in England for 4 months and I visited 6 countries and most notably kissed the Blarney Stone (though it did nothing for my eloquence).

- I absolutely can't stand it when people wear shoes and socks in the house. I'm not a weeaboo or anything, but it's infuriating to think about dirty shoes all over the carpet, or worse, people wearing the same sweaty socks at home that they wore at work all day. And if you want to really piss me off, sit on the bed with your shoes on. Fuck that.

- I really HATE bad breath, or the idea that someone doesn't brush their teeth twice a day at least. I carry multiple variations of gum, tic-tacs, etc, because it makes me so crazy. It's the world's biggest turn-off. If you have bad breath, fahgetabahtet.

- I hate doing the laundry. It's the most detestable chore of all. I'll even scrub the toilet, do the dishes or vacuum the living room before I finally give in to doing the laundry. My husband and I have been known to live out of the clean laundry sitting in the dryer for days, because fuck putting clothes away. We are both equally lazy when it comes to that (is it weird that Bachelor Frog describes our married life too?).

- I have an irrational fear of scorpions as well as any sort of mutilation (the former probably stems from the time as a child when I found a scorpion under my pillow, and the latter I have no clue, maybe watching too many violent movies or something. For some reason almost every day I freak myself imagining what it would be like to be smashed/impaled/etc. The most common one seems to do with eyeballs popping out and getting crushed... for some reason that one really freaks me out. I can only imagine the type of terror a violent death would create before it all goes black, so I really hope that doesn't happen to me).

- As far as social situations go, the desire to be social is there, but the capacity to act on it isn't. I get my healthy dose of social interaction at work or even the internet. I'm much more often a loner and really I'm okay with that (don't you hate it when people seem certain you must be depressed or messed up because you don't like to hang out with other people all day every day?)

- Well, this isn't really little-known, but it's a fact nonetheless. I'm married to a pretty cool guy, and we met on the internet. Where on the internet? I'm sure it's not surprising when I say it was a classic cartoons forum, with focus on the Powerpuff Girls, Dexter's Laboratory and Samurai Jack. The 3 greatest cartoons ever on the Cartoon Network. We are shamelessly nerdy and we're okay with that.

- I want a little girl, but I'll take anything (even adopt) because I love children :3 and if my husband has his way we'd name it Optimus Prime, whatever the gender. (Okay, that was maybe a joke. I hope)

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